Dedicated and amateur anglers alike are eager with anticipation for the upcoming changes to the walleye season that will be going into effect starting January 1st, 2023. These changes, as many local avid fishermen know, are a direct result of the rapidly expanding walleye populations, specifically in the Lower Saginaw River regions, which has led to a significant decline in the numbers of yellow perch found throughout the area.
New regulations for this area will now allow the possession season for walleye to extend through the rest of the year, allowing anglers to have up to eight walleyes at any time so long as each walleye meets the minimum size limit of 13”. These changes specifically affect the Lower Huron waters (MH-4), which include Saginaw Bay and Saginaw R. in Saginaw and Bay counties, from the mouth of the river leading all the way upstream to Center Street (Douglas G. Schenk) Bridge.
Additional Regulation Updates for Walleye Fishing in Michigan in 2023:
Lower Erie, Detroit R., L. St. Clair, and St. Clair R.: The minimum walleye size requirement for this region is to remain 15” for the foreseeable future. The daily possession limit will remain six through April 30th, 2023, at which point it will face re-evaluation, and a new possession limit will go into effect on May 1st, 2023.
Lake Michigan – Little Bay de Noc (Delta Co.): Daily possession limits north of the boundary drawn from Peninsula Point Lighthouse to Bark R.’s mouth should never include more than one walleye over 23”.
Lake Michigan – Green Bay: From six miles north of the Cedar R. (latitude 45.5505, longitude -87.2637) stretching all the way down to the mouth of the Menominee R., the daily possession limit for walleye will remain one from March 2nd until the Friday proceeding the first Saturday in May. From the first Saturday in May through March 1st, the possession limit for walleye will increase to five.
Cheboygan R. (south end of the outermost breakwall at Mullet L. downstream to the Cheboygan Dam), Black R. (Alverno Dam traveling downstream to where it meets Cheboygan R.): Walleye possession season in the region will range from May 15th to March 15th.
Ontonagon R. (Ontonagon Co.): Daily possession limits for walleye in the region should not include more than one walleye over 23”.
Portage & Torch L. systems (Houghton Co.): Daily possession limits in the region for walleye also cannot include more than one walleye exceeding 23”.
Read more at the Michigan DNR website >>
Those looking for more up-to-date information across all regions are encouraged to check out the official DNR website ( or call 1-888-367-7060 to hear a prerecorded message detailing the latest related information. For all other information and support, please contact our seasoned specialists at RECON Fishing Systems today.